Our Story
This dream of owning my own breeding farm started back in 2005. I purchased a buckskin colt named Countrys Next Big Thing from Cathy and Kelsey Bowers in Iowa. He was so laid back and gentle natured as a weanling. He learned many tricks such as Bow, Lay Down, Shake, Rear, and Sit. I then began his driving training and soon was driving him all over the countryside. Ty, as we call him, went on to do very well for himself and won many champion driving pony awards at local and national level shows, all trained and conditioned by myself. He since has been retired to the breeding shed to produce naturally high stepping foals. I have been working closely with Bruce Becker to build up my herd of Ramble Ridge Rocket lines. I since have purchased a beautiful stallion, Superb from him, who we unfortunately lost in 2018 due to old age. His legacy lives on through two colts that I kept back out of him. If you would like to know more just ask! You can find more info on the pages for Mares, Stallions, Gelding, and For Sale pages.